Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Hold My Hand

First of all, thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU for all your prayers and support for our family over the past week! They were definitely felt and appreciated. We have been so encouraged by the notes and stories from those who love us.

Our appointment with the high-risk doctor was originally scheduled for last Wednesday, July 30. After talking with our insurance company literally all morning on Tuesday (uugghhh), our appointment was cancelled. We were able to find another option at Maternal Fetal Medicine at Canton Aultman hospital and had our appointment yesterday (Monday) morning.

We went with a bundle of nerves and a lot of anticipation to get some answers. We first met with a genetic counselor who looked over our previous ultrasounds, family history, and previous health records. She kindly explained to us that the spot on the heart usually ends up resolving itself and is found in 2% of all babies. She also mentioned that there was some fluid noticed in our baby's kidneys. This is something that usually also resolves itself, but needs to be monitored in order to have a good understanding of what to expect at delivery. Both of these 'issues' are known as soft markers for Down’s Syndrome. After looking through all of this information, she told us that the possibility of our baby being born with Down’s Syndrome was still very miniscule.

We then went downstairs for a more in-depth ultrasound with the high-risk doctor. The ultrasound lasted over an hour! Our little man is still a little man and we got to see him wiggling around -- which did this mama's heart good. The doctor explained that the spot on the heart was an Echogenic Foci, and something that he is not AT ALL concerned with! Praise the Lord! There is still fluid in the kidneys. This is usually resolved when the baby is born and urinates for the first time. Periodically, this does not resolve the issue, and can cause some minor issues after birth. The doctor reassured us that this is not something to be worried about, but that he would want to monitor the fluid levels as we get closer to delivery in order to know what to expect at birth.
Newest picture of little man!
Overall, we were extremely encouraged by the report! We know that our baby is in God's hands and we are trusting Him to take care of our little guy. Although we are praying for a perfectly healthy baby, we know that God would give us the grace that we would need if our little man would have a disability.

The morning of the appointment I was feeling very anxious and stressed. I happened to look at my Jesus Calling calendar for the day and this is what it said: "Hold my hand and walk joyously with Me through this day. Together we will savor the pleasures and endure the difficulties that it brings. I am your Guide, as well as your constant companion. I know every step of the journey ahead of you." I just love when God speaks in such obvious ways to me. Knowing that He holds the future gives me the peace and confidence that I need to keep journeying through this life.

So thank you for joining with us in prayer! Please continue to lift us before the Father in the next months.
Mckinley and Daddy with our good friends this weekend! Mckinley loved baby Elysa!
Side note:
Can I just tell you how great my husband is? I would seriously be so lost without Justin's stability in my life. I can tend to be emotional, dramatic, feisty... you get the picture. Justin definitely evens our relationship out with his realistic and calm view of situations. He lets me cry, yell, and freak out without getting upset with me and then calmly offers a realistic view of the situation which immediately brings me back down to earth. Sometimes, he doesn't even say anything after one of my 'episodes' and simply lets me calm down and then just starts praying for me and the situation at hand. Let me just say. Husband of the century.

After a rough start to this pregnancy, with me basically not being able to get off the couch for almost three months and in and out of the hospital, Justin would come home after a long day of hard work and make dinner, take care of Mckinley, do laundry, and hold my hair back while I was hugging the toilet. He did all of this without ever once complaining. (Although last night he said he almost died in those three months. Ha!).

I am so grateful that such a wonderful man loves me and loves our children. Seriously ladies -- don't take your husbands for granted, and girls don't ever settle for a man less than the best. (Although the BEST is already taken :)