Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Oh, How He Loves Us

The past two months have been a whirlwind of activity. Never in my life have I experienced so many highs and lows all within the span of a few weeks. But that's life I guess. The good coupled with the bad and the sorrows teaching us to appreciate the joys.

The last time that I blogged we were getting ready to head to Michigan for our annual trip to the lake. We had a fantastic week that was full of relaxation. Getting away from the normal routine of everyday life is always a great way to end the summer and gear up for the school year.
We returned from vacation and immediately starting prepping for the school year. My sister, Emily joined our team at the preschool and is the lead teacher of one of our classes. Knowing that school was just around the corner, we were hustling to try to get everything in order.

On August 25, Emily and her husband Justin went in for an appointment with a specialist to check on the condition of their baby. They were told the heartbreaking news that the baby's heartbeat could not be found. They were sent to the hospital to be induced and go through labor and delivery of their precious boy. The next morning, on August 26, Caden Michael Smith was born and was immediately welcomed into the arms of Jesus. This tiny baby was loved by so many, and the grief of a precious child who we never had the chance to know was very real. Emotions have been high -- anger, sadness, and confusion have bombarded us--sometimes all within the same hour.
The strength that Emily and Justin have shown throughout this entire process has been so encouraging to me as well as everyone who has heard their story. Their unwavering faith has proven that Christ is truly the solid rock on which we stand. I have always looked up to my sister, but throughout these last few months I have realized even more that she is the person that I want to strive to be like. Her class, grace, strength, and faith are all characteristics that I want to have in my life. I am also thankful for her Justin. He is a wonderful brother-in-law and his support of Emily and the rest of the family has been beyond commendable. My parents have also been so strong through their own grief. I am so so thankful for the Godly family that I am a part of. Grief is weird and hard, but I absolutely cannot imagine going through this without our family and the hope of heaven.

Losing our nephew has definitely been a devastating time for our family. Our dreams of his life had to change drastically. Instead of watching him grow up here on earth, we anticipate knowing him in heaven. Our visions of having our little boy grow up with his cousin -- being only a week apart -- were suddenly altered. Someone so graciously told us that our little guy now has his own guardian angel watching over him. Caden Michael, we love you and can't wait to meet you someday. Heaven seems so much more more real, and we honestly cannot wait until that day comes.
Please continue to pray for Emily and Justin as the grieving process continues and they return their new 'normal'.

School started on September 3, and we are having a great school year. We have a great group of students and it has been so much fun working with my sister! Miss Emily is definitely loved by all of the kids.

The month of September was packed full of fun weekends as we welcomed fall. The Wayne County Fair was a huge success--especially in the eyes of Mckinley. She even got to watch the Tractor Pull with daddy -- which she loved!
Aunt Bida (Melissa) left for YWAM on September 18. She will be spending 5 months in Mexico and South America doing ministry! We are so excited to see what God does through and in her, but we will miss her like crazy! We had an early birthday party for Mckinley with the Rabers on September 14 so that Melissa could be here (and she made a fabulous cake!)
On September 20 Mckinley turned two! It literally blows my mind that two years have passed. She is such a wonderful little girl, and her personality is so pleasant and fun. We had a great day of celebrating her and ended the day with her Curious George birthday party!
We closed out September with our fall field trip to Ramseyer Farms -- which Mckinley got to participate in! Saturday we went the Swiss Festival and got to see Great Grandpa Raber in the parade and spend time with lots of family. On Sunday we went to the Stutzman family hog roast and had a fantastic time.
This morning I had a prenatal appointment for Baby Boy Raber. He is doing very well! There is still the 'spot' visible on his heart, but still not a concern! The fluid in the kidneys that was being monitored is virtually GONE! This is such an answer to prayer and we are so relieved and thankful. Momma is doing well, although uncomfortable and sleepy. My doctor is going to be monitoring my fluid levels more closely over the next few weeks to make sure that baby has plenty of fluid to 'swim' in for the remaining weeks. We are getting extremely excited to meet this little man! We are working on his nursery and it makes it seem that much more real. Now we just need to decide on a name!
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. Romans 5:3-5

After reading Romans 5:3-5 a million times in my life, the last part finally made sense to me. Many times we focus on the trials and problems and talk about how it will produce perseverance and hope. Although this is completely true, I think that the most important part is the fact that through the trials we can know how much God loves us. I don't know about you, but this is exactly the information that I need to know.

Highs and lows. Our lives are packed full of them. God gives us grace to withstand the struggles and heartaches. He also blesses our lives with moments of laughter and joy. It has consistently amazed me over the past weeks how much He loves us. The fact that our family has been filled with peace through the trials only proves that He has never left our side. The fact that our family can laugh and still thoroughly enjoy life only proves that His love for us is bigger than anything we can ever face.

How has God showed His love for you recently?